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Cloud Service Management

Integrated processes for services?

The Cloud Based Solutions incorporates processes that coordinates and collaborates services across the enterprise. SSi processes are geared towards a customer being able to identify interest in a service; their interest is evaluated and prioritized to ensure alignment with service roadmap, and developed according to the customer’s requirements. The SSi approach and will help ensure a smooth transition to services and provide customers with a methodology to improve services over a lifespan.

What will SSi provide?

Repeatable processes for the designing, developing, delivering, and continually improving services. Work both internally within your organization and across the enterprise to ensure the Service Level Agreement (SLA), Operational Level Agreement (OLA), and Performance Measurement associated with a service meets your business needs. Ensure coordination and the service offering is in alignment with your IT Strategic Plan.

How SSi promugate services across the enterprise?

Support the development of Roadmaps for each service and coordinating the improvement of service across existing IT governance bodies. Ensure services support the business and operational needs, where there are gaps in the service define new business capabilities that will be implemented to address the shortcoming.

SSi keys to success

Empowering IT leaders with knowledge and good practices for successful service delivery:

  • Converting innovative ideas and concepts into services for customers;
  • Alignment of services with the business strategy of the organization;
  • Solving problems with effective and enduring solutions;
  • Identify additional functionality and continually improving services;
  • Controlling costs and risks.

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